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Thank you for 900k reads // wattpad gratitude post

As you can obviously gather from the title of this blog post, my story Vampire Mates on Wattpad has garnered over 900k reads!

First off, I know. 900k is a weird number to celebrate, but I’m not going to sit around for like 2 years for it to hit 1 million reads.

Second of all, rant time.

I absolutely don't deserve this at all because it was shit writing, but hey imma take it graciously and just roll with it. Seriously, though, I'm super grateful. I know some other people deserve it more than I do but I genuinely am so happy and proud that I've accomplished this, like it isn't much but these views were what kept me writing and going and got me hooked onto just sharing my work and receiving feedback from people. This was what really made me want to be a writer, and sparked my interest in writing.

It's incredible to have freaking 900k reads, and I want to thank anybody who got involved, even if that means reading one chapter and just saying “ew, no” (trust me, me too), because every read and vote and comment kept me writing and sharing and I've improved so much and come such a long way. I remember being damn excited about 1k and now I have 900k and I’m just as excited.

I know 900k isn't as much as many, many well written (and not so well written) stories on Wattpad, but this is incredible for me, amateur teen writing shit romance stories about dumb ass vampires and fiction. Thanks. Can't stress it enough. Thank y'all. Every single reader. Every single person. Bless.

So, I want to talk a little bit about Vampire Mates. I initially wrote it just for fun, but it started to get more reads and I was like, okay, people are digging this! Therefore, I kept writing. So, I’m not kidding when I say Vampire Mates kept me writing. All the incredible comments too, I love them all. Dark Mates, the sequel, has the best comments in the epilogue that makes my heart just burst with happiness.

Also, Vampire Mates is honestly just utter crap. I’ve said it a hundred times before to everybody. However, I keep it up because it’s a sign of how much I have grown and improved. To all aspiring writers (myself included), I ain’t kidding when I say that writing frequently and passionately is what makes you a better writer. There’s no perfect in writing, so instead of the usual saying, I’m just going to say practice makes a hell lot better. Also, grit. If you want to be a writer, you’ve got to be gritty. I know I may come off as some snotty person right now, but this is as much for you as it is to anyone out there that needs a bit of a push to keep writing. Persistence, passion, and practice.  The three Ps. Among others. *wink wink*

Okay. Now, for the bunch of people I want to thank aside from Vampire Mates readers. Sometimes, the people I am the most grateful for escape me, but these people are the ones I can think of and therefore, logically, should be the important ones? I’m going to try to include every human being I personally know that has helped me in any way. Here you go:

  • ·         Parents, for not being stereotyped Asian parents who would yell at me for being a writer and not a doctor or lawyer 
  • ·         Sister, for being very mean and saying things like "my name is Jev" while laughing hysterically at my stories. Love you, you idiot sandwich.
  • ·         Charmaine, you're all the way up here because, well, I wrote my first book with you about that Ai Lee chick. And Jia Yi, too, but I don't talk to her anymore so..... The sentiment is there, but yeah. It's kind of wild we still talk and get along so well?
  • ·         Colleen, mon bon bon, your snarky comments kill me and give me life and the same time and to be honest, more often than not, they are very constructive and it gives me a laugh at the same time, so. Thanks for reading my shit books, including the shittiest of them all, aka this one that just hit 900k, you’re awesome. Also, thanks for laughing so much at the fact that Demetri ran 100m in like 30 seconds. I’m embarrassed. Also, amused at myself. One can obviously tell I do not run.
  • ·         Mithulya, you are a really supportive friend. Thank you for how you used to always stalk my Wattpad. Thank you for being my writer friend and talking to me about writing and what not. You are cool, my friend.
  • ·         Nicole, you are a great pal and you read my stories when I ask you for opinions and you're the sweetest thing. Thank you so much for reading Your End in Mine, and I hope you're doing incredibly. I'm proud of you <3
  • ·         Savannah, you are genuinely one of the coolest people ever for willingly helping me edit Colder Than Winter, like that shit's a mess. Like you are so kind I should pay you or something. And I'm including you here because as a writer,Colder Than Winer seriously helped me find my writing style. Which involves a lot of swearing. I never included so much swearing in writing but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It's also good that you're around my age because if you were some sort of older professional I'd freak out. Thanks, Savannah. You're so sweet and pretty.
  • ·         SARAH. You. Are. Awesome. You commented (you know what you commented) on CTW and I instantly needed to talk to you. We corresponded through email then by phone and I love you and you're so awesome, and you're a great pal for reading CTW (for all of its angst). You awesome for listening to me rant.
  • ·         Angelina. Girrllll. We became good friends when we both realized we shared the love for Taylor Swift, One Direction, and what not. And you bought me them Hunger Games bookssss. I love you. You need to keep writing because I am selfishly wanting to read your books. You remember Halcyon? And also Before the Aftermath? Thank you girl. WADA HD will forever be in our memories. Would like to pleasantly inform the world too that this girl has incredible art skills and I have been recently introduced to the fact that SHE DANCES AWESOMELY.  
  • ·         Cathryn. THANK YOU for introducing me to the Percy Jackson books. You are so awesome. Thank you so much for reading my stories, and thank you for the positive response to Your End in Mine. Also, WADA HD. Haha. Good days, good days… Also! Minecraft with you and AJ were the bestest things. I’m not even talking about writing anymore, I just love y’all.
  • ·         Dienta. You're a relatively new friend and you have not exactly contributed much to my writing but you always read the shit I shove into your face so thanks! 
  • ·         Nuhaaaa. My fellow writer. You're awesome, thank you for reading and commenting on Sunshine and Dynamite, I probably wouldn't continue writing if not for you, also thanks so much for reading my blog posts. You have the cutest singing voice.
  • ·         David. Like, we are that close but, dude, thanks for always kindly rating and reviewing my stuff on Also, he's a good dude so here's a link to his music, go listen to this things:

There is a bunch of people out there I know I need to thank, but I can’t think of any right now. These people are the people I think of when I think about my writing journey and what not.

So yeah. Thank you, friends and readers and what not. If you’re looking for a laugh, here’s a link to a video of like 12 year old (or like, 11 or something) me talking into a microphone about strange things.
My hair is a voice, so is my voice, and also my eyebrows, and everything about me. The stuff I say in it is still a hundred per cent true. It’s hilarious, so watch it. Also, cringey as hell.

In case you need more cringiness in your life, here is Vampire Mates:

Okay. I’ve said enough. Thank you everyone!



  1. Yayyyyy congratulations 900, 000 reads! My highest is 1.4K and that's mainly me scrolling through without even looking.

    Honestly I'm surprised I'm on this list. You've only known me for 5 months or so, so I didn't think I can really impact or be a significant part of a person's life in such a short amount of time.

    What do you mean "I properly wouldn't continue writing if not for you"? I want answers. In essay form. Thank you.

    I stalk your blog. Full-stop.

    Why is my singing voice includedddddddddddd. I sound like I'm 5. No matter how hard I try, I still sound younger than 11 like what is with my singing voice aren't you the same voice I talk with on a daily basis (or does my normal voice generally sound younger than 11? *raises eyebrow*)?

    In conclusion, congratulations Claudia. You deserved it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay. I wrote you a reply just now but it didn't go through so here is me trying again. I'm going to make this a bit shorter. Maybe the length of my previous comment is what went wrong haha, but you did tell me to write you an essay response. Anyways, I just want to say that you deserve this just as much as if not more than I do and I hope you get the recognition you deserve soon.

    Also, I would not have continued Sunshine and Dynamite if you didn't comment about the ending. SnD was only supposed to be 5 chapters, a short bitterish story, but since you liked it, I extended it :D So that's what I mean.

    And a lot of people sound different when speaking/singing. Like, some people say I speak too low too but I like it and I like yours too. Love ya self. <3

    1. Whoa that must've been a really long essay then. I can't seem to bring myself to be guilty for making you write that much. *grins* I do hope I get recognition soon too.

      Oh. I didn't think you would continue it no matter what a human said (because that's probably what I would do?). What did I comment about again? I don't quite remember. Also, I didn't like it. I screamed at it. So much angst it made me roll around.

      My brother is already imagining my first few concerts and I told him "What no I'm not gonna sing in front of people" because you know me, I don't like humans. Much less crowds. And screaming. Oh, the screaming.

      I could probably die in a crowd.

    2. Hahaha. Honest, though, I really do hope that you get the recognition. You definitely, definitely deserve it. Well, I did have an idea to continue it but decided it was pointless anyway but you were reading it! And commenting nice things! And ahaha yeah, you were screaming at my angsty and like the lack of closure, so that was what encouraged me, sort of. Hahaha, when you have your first few concerts I will definitely be there to watch you! I don't like crowds either. But hey, some humans I do like. Like you!

    3. I don't see how screaming at how my ship didn't sail (that's the worst and most effective way to kill me) counts as "commenting nice things", but sure yea.

      What do you mean first concerts? I'll be going to yours. *laughs awkwardly* Plus, you sing better than me (despite what some random YouTube commenters think). I definitely am not gonna be a singer. It's too late for that. My confidence level has stopped at a certain point and that point is not at a singer level.

      Despite being a writer and how easily I speak through written words instead of verbal words (I hate talking), I rarely express my affections in words (they are mostly seen through my actions) so I'm just gonna cross my not-so-muscular arms and nod.

    4. Haha, well that means you were affected by my writing :P Which is a score for me.

      Nah, I probably won't pursue being a singer. I like it, but I don't think its for me... hey, maybe one day I'll just be a songwriter or something. Maybe I'll write a song for you to sing.

    5. Angst always affects me. I hate sad stories. Makes me cry and hate reality.

      You know what we can do instead? Become freelance songwriters. Nuclear and Cloud. That way we don't need to embarrass ourselves with our (well mostly mine) weird singing.

    6. Oh my God, Nuclear Cloud OMG! That is so brilliant.

    7. *throws a peace sign to your face* Nuclear Cloud -
      your next favourite songwriting duo.

      [Nuclear (Originated from the name "Nukey") Cloud (A nickname given by Nukey herself). ]

  3. Claudyyyyy I'm writing this again because wtf blogpost. OMG congrats on 900k!! I'm so happy for you! Remember when you were at a measly 800k? Good ole days. (Vampire mates is not your shittiest story. Probs dark mates lol. Hahahahaha there's always Jack's essay to make you feel better about yourself)

    I have no idea where my snarky comments come from, but they amuse me. Is it a sort of oxymoron if my snarky comments kill you yet give you life? #colleenandclaudiaswonderingheads #actuallyitsjustcolleenthatswondering

    Clauds. Halp. I sometimes catch myself saying "lunch" the way we used to and now my friends think I've got a couple of screws loose (obvi, they don't realize most screws are loose, fallen off etc.) Bruh, we need to catch up yo. #brunchcrunchpunch #thepunchline

    Anyway, congrats again, I'm super proud of you, I'm beyond happy and excited for you :D and we tots need to celebrate when you finally hit the coveted 1 mil. And also when you publish your first book. And when you're famous enough to have a bodyguard. And when BFAN becomes a New York Times Bestseller. And when BFAN gets adapted into a stage musical. Thanks.

    1. Blogspot needs to fix its issues. Hahaha, yep, 800k was so awful I'm glad I'm over it now. The whole Vampire Mates saga is shit. I will make up for them through my future writing. I hope. Or, it will just be an endless cycle of me growing up and realizing how cringey my past was, then doing something that my future self will find cringey. It's a vicious cycle, truly.

      Your snarky comments are constructive criticism in disguise. They are the most hilarious and honest shit, and pierce through my heart, but helpful. You know, that summarizes you very well.

      What do you mean saying "lunch" the way we used to. That is the CORRECT way to say lunch. Your friends don't know what's up. But, foh sure, we need to go get brunch together. Broonch.

      Thank you friend for being proud of me, I love when people are proud of me *preens*. Honestly though, thanks. Thank you so much for being around with me, and 1 mil seems like something that will never happen to be honest. It'll be somewhere down the foggy lane, and when I hit it I honestly don't know what to expect. A sense of purpose? Confetti? Fans recognizing me? Lmao. I kid.

      I will cry my little heart out if BFAN ends up being a New York Times Bestseller. I will just wail. Weep like Jesus wept when Lazarus died. Yo. You should be the playwright and like director person for the stage musical of BFAN. I promise I'll audition for Rachel.

      I love you so much. Thank you for this comment. <3


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